Thursday, May 27, 2010

As if I could ever let go of you
You, who made my spirit blush
And my soul burn red like firing bushes
I couldn’t even if I should
Even if I wished I would
You had a hold of me
Before I could even know to tell
But my soul know, my God know
My Wisdom know that it was you
She tried to tell me, she’d say, “It’s Will”
But I just couldn’t understand
You were standing right there in front of me
Yet, I couldn’t figure it out; I just couldn’t see
But, my soul knew, she knew all along
And I felt it in my mind, my body, my heart
And had no idea what you were
That you were the other half of me
That you were everything I’d never be
Everything I always was, always knew as true
It all came wrapped up in you
Delivered in the most inconspicuous package
I was surprised when I opened my eyes
To see the most delightful gift
All my hopes and dreams
All my joys and fears
All my everything, was all wrapped up
In you
How could I let go of that?
Wouldn’t that make me silly?
Heaven sent me beautiful
Beautiful are you
So, God sent me his son
And you came to me
As if he told you to
As though you already knew
That I’d never let go of you

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