Where the Heart Is

Have you ever wondered what it takes to find your way home? I think about that all the time. I used to believe that home is where the heart lives, but, the heart lives in the body, in the chest cavity. Do I live in the chest cavity of a system? Or should I consider that the heart is not of this body, but so much further away from this world than ever considered possible? Is home the dimension that is the source of life, of pure energy, from where all of this came forth from? Is the heart nothing but a radiating core of that energy, sent from that great source from which all things come, and all things return? I am home. I have always been home. I am heart. All I ever had to do was wake up from that dream about light, open my eyes and see into the darkness. See how muted the light really was in the midst of all that darkness, and, realize that there is no place called home. Life is home. Love is home. 

If you loved me, you would accept me for who I am and who I choose to be. You would respect my perspectives and honour me for my courage to stand up for my individuality. You should, if you love me, be excited for me, when I venture out into a new experience to know a new journey. You would not care what I did, you would care who I am. Who I am, you would adore and strive to know, and, possibly, to understand that which drives me, and inspires me. You would appreciate me for being open and honest in all things, and for respecting your opinions and perspectives as though they were my own. You would see that I am boldly understated, because I choose to be heard without having the need for speech, and, you would realize my bounds, respect my space, and allow me moments of silence and solace when I need to be in the presence of nothing. You would believe me when I say that I shall fly away, but, I will return another day... If you did love me. 

Don’t worry about me. Worry about your self. Mind your own damned affairs. I am about my work, doing what is to be done. It should not be of any concern of yours. Just because you don’t understand does not mean that it does not make sense. It is not for you to accept; the path is not your own. Go about your business and stop paying so much attention to me. Don’t watch me on my way. Stop looking for words that do not exist, just to have something to say. Have nothing to say. Do not disturb me as I slumber. I am resting and recovering from yesterdays journey. I am doing as I must, as is time for me to do. I am life’s faithful servant, and I now carry out this will. You could never know to understand my purpose for All. This is why you need not pay any attention to me. Just look the other way and hear nothing, and see nothing, and speak not of what you have not seen and not heard. Today is a day of silence and waiting. Please allow me to dwell in the absence of your restlessness. 

Ashes, that from where we came forth, we shall return, someday. In life we are where we begin. The root becomes our core, and we evolve as one in it. Circles are lines that come back all the way around; from whence it all began. Life is nothing more than a sequence of lines; pathways connecting the dots, and making sense out of it. Taste, smell, touch, see, and feel, are all our way of helping to make sense of it all. To signify differences, and create distinct identity in relationships to one another, is the reason we communicate. Communication with our worlds and with other worlds is the only way to share the continuum of information, creating and evolving in growth through the resource of shared energy. It is a beautiful game that can and will be conquered. Where did I begin? I don’t know yet. I rest with every new sun that I wake up to, and, I evolve within every new moon. I begin every day, in a world where every new day is the first day. The first day of the rest of my life begins today. Starting now. Everyday. One day at a time.