Thursday, May 27, 2010

I’m ready to face the world
All the torments and tragedy
Everything that awaits me
I have prepared for my entire life
And now, I’m ready for anything

I’m stepping out, head first
I’m armed, prepared for danger
I’m trained, destined for the fight
I’m going forth, forward, onward
I’m never looking back

I’m not afraid of anything
Nothing can stop me now
They who stand in my way
They who shall be trampled over
They who will regret defying me

I’m ready to take them on
One by one, step by step
Day by day, fool by fool
I’m ready to conquer them
All of them, I’m ready to conquer

The world is mine, today
And I’m ready
Like never before
And never again
The time is now
The day is now
And I’m ready

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