Thursday, May 27, 2010

I’ve got something to say
To the whole world, today
That they should never forget
Nor dare to neglect
These words from above
I speak out of love
So listen, and hear
And know that I do care
Doubt not in my truth
That rekindles the youth
Know, understand, now
I shall show you how
But, first you must believe
You must want to be relieved
From life that brings death
And days filled with regret
I give you this cup, here
Filled with the blood of life
I give you my word, dear
Your days know no more strife
Listen with your heart
Forget everything else
Neglect all those that tore your world apart
And remember no thing else
For, on this new day
You will learn a new way
You shall see the light
There’ll be no wrong, no right
Only life
Only love
Only heavens
Only doves

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