Thursday, May 27, 2010

117 I’ll see you in the future, Where clouds have silver linings, And rainbows, pots of gold, And love is blissful, as should be, And we are one, as was foretold.  I’ll know you more tomorrow.  Cuz new days bring new light.  And there, there’ll be no sorry, No lefts, no wrongs, all right. Justice peace in eternal glory.  I’ll be waiting on those days to come.  When chariots blaze like moon and sun, And the stars fall from the sky, And land at our feet, When you and I are one.

114  Falling in love with the sunset Is like a miracle That happens to me, everyday. All day long, He works to give life To the world; Then, at night, He finds peace Like an explosion of rainbows, He lights the sky Softly in the mellow romance The seas become like a sparkling wine As if sprinkled With diamonds from the heavens.  And the whole world becomes silent, Calmed by His soft breath, Amazed by the beauty of His tranquility.  By the very essence of the sunset, The whole world, Not just me, falls in love with miracles.

115 I’ll dare not to forget this day.  Always shall he find a place in my heart Waiting for a tomorrow like a reflection Of everything I’ve grown to love, today.  And I’ll never ever stop dreaming About moments like these last ones, When life is so full of emptiness; Of light, of peace, of love, of purity.  Memories about living this way Are those memories that I’ll crave, forever.  I’ll hold on to today, but only to remember, For, in my dreams, I only see tomorrow, Where there is no end, where there is no yesterday.  Where there is only today, And nothing else matters.

116  Some things are much harder to accept Than others.  Some things make you want to regret The bothers. These things that tell you you can’t Are dying. These things that say that you won’t Are lying.  One thing’s for sure that you’ll be sure To know.  One thing’s much more than many door To go.  No thing is too far away to reach With wings.  No thing should be too near to see The blessings.

113  Who can say Where time goes After it passes by To bring forth  A new day.  She never says goodbye And never looks back; Never turns her head To take a second look Or even bats her eyes.  Forward and onward She walks forcefully  Striding toward the future  Looking beyond tomorrow Into a place where life lives.  Thus is the quest of time That the world should follow And adhere to her footsteps Like a moon in the sand That winds and tide wash away.  Always going on, Always motioning freely. Always aware of what was, Yet, her only desire is to claim That which will be. The Queen of Destiny.  The Goddess of Fate. And Her only place of solace, Her only home to rest Is that of Faith, and Hope, and Love.

112  Hold your breath Because otherwise You might lose it To me.  Or let me take Your breath away. Let me set your spirit Free. Just breathe this in Hail holy air. Choose the truth and dare To be.  Blow a kiss with The wind you breathe That it should give you X To see.

111  I am as I am.  I can’t be nothing else.  I won’t be no one else, But me. For me?  I am as, As I am.  I am who I am.  Who else could be me,  But me?  For me? I am who? Who I am. I am what I am.  The most me I’ll ever be.  No one else can set me free, But me.  For me? I am what? What I am.  I am that I am.  And I make no apologies.  That no one else holds these keys, But me. For me? I am that. This I am.

I get lost in the darkness

Other times
I become blinded by the light

Even still
I lose my self in the silence

Even Will
I bound my self in the fright

But never,
Have I given up

And never,
Has He given up on me

For always,
I shall stride forward, onward

Shall I trust in God, in Me

110 This is my day.  My hour has come;  The time that was appointed For me. This is my door, A tunnel, dark, and mysterious That I should pass through Fearlessly. This is my path; Paves straight and narrow. And, one foot before the other I walk on.

109  Shine  Like an Olympic torch  Marching through the night  Til it reaches its final resting place For all to see And stand in awe

Glow Like a firefly after sunset Glaring as it leaves its trail Of pixie dust behind That the children Should smile in thrill

Burn Like a summers wildfire; Uncontrollably, persistently, passionately... That it should take A hailstorm Just to quench your thirst

108  Because now I know That just when things are bad enough; So bad, so low, so shallow, That all you can see is dirt, And, you look down because You are so afraid to look up Fearful of what might not be there;... When life is so tough  That you feel it is about to break you down  So, you cry, because you can’t hold it in  And you think about life as if it were death.  Now, I know that even when  Things are that bad, Don’t give up.  Not on yourself.  Not on life  Not on love.. Because, Regardless of what you think, Regardless of what you see, Don’t let it change what you know... That life and love Are always there  And they’ll never give up on you.  So, it is up to you, then  To never Give up on them

I am going to rule the Universe
And everything in it
It is already mine
It was given to me
He put it in a tiny box
And delivered it to me
And now it is mine
As if always destined to be

This world belongs to me
And no one can take it away
She is mine
My baby, my beautiful child
And I will love her forever
For, she was given to me
And, I was given to her
That we should set
Each other

Now is the time
The time has come, now
The whole world is changing
Too slowly to notice
But, I notice
I see
This change all began
Inside of Me

I want to sing
Sweet songs of praises
And give glory
Make joyful noises
And give thanks
Cry out in laughter
And make loves sounds
That the world should hear

I want to dance
Twirl in circles like the moon
And bring joy
That eyes should sparkle like the sun
And make peace
With body language, tongues that tune
Send them fearfully on the run

I want to walk
Forcefully, gliding, striding
And with my hips
Shall my legs transcend this place
And with my feet
Gently make new paths in space
That my hands might point
To a world far beyond their fighting

I want to be
Everything that I am
And I want the world to see
Everything that I’ll be
And I want to go
Everywhere that I’ll know
And I want to know
Everyone whom I’ll show

I told my lover
That I had had enough
I stood up to him
I was fierce, and tough

I let him know
That he let me down

I let him go
And, I made him frown

I don’t care how he feels
I hope he feels how I felt

I won’t dare to reveal
That he still makes my heart melt

I am punishing him
For being such a bad boy

I want him to learn to know
That I am not just a toy

I love him so much
So this fast may get rough

But I love me even so
And I have had enough

My future is so rich
I can already taste
The sweet morsels
That will melt in my mouth
Everything I had ever dreamt
But so much better
So much more intense
I can hardly wait until

Dear God, Mother, Father
Thank you
For yesterday, and today
But, especially
For tomorrow

Wherever I go from here
And, however I get there
I thank you
In advance
For being there with me

Bless the living and the dead
Forgive the foolish
For their deeds
Forgive me for my folly
And bless me; make me holy

I love you, God of all
I adore you, All of all
I want to learn your way
I want to be just like you
Today, Tomorrow, Everyday

All of God, All that is I
And above me
And throughout me
And beyond me
Thank You

Thank everything about you
Gracious lover
God of the living
God of me
God of All
I thank you.

And so
I’m not alone
I don’t have
To face this world
Alone, tomorrow
Because, today
I have realized
That I’m not alone
By my side
There is strength
Holding my hand
There is might
Lifting me up high
There is love
And so
Just as it was in the beginning
There was one
Then there were two
Now, again
There were two
Who just became one
Once more
As I’ve realized
That I was never alone
Than I am now

What’s next?
Who knows?
Who cares?
I don’t I’m just going
Led by
That is
Within me
Driving me
Thriving within me
Taking me there
That is
I know
Is worthy
Of my trust
I know