Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The same voices that told me to go to you, warned me.  they told me that you would bring me great pain.  I didn't care.  My eternal and immediate love for you was then and is now fearless and I would walk through the fires of hell to share the promised land with you.  They warned me that you would break my heart.  The heart that led me to you doubtlessly will always be doubtlessly in love with you; and of the pain that I felt the moment you walked away from the heart that is only for you, you ought to know, that I choose loving you and knowing your love over and forever again..., for I would rather know your perfect and endless love for moments at a time, than to go a lifetime never knowing that you, the keeper of my heart and soul, exist to own this love for you.  The vague void of an existence without you, would be the worst sort of broken heart.  This, my shattered heart belongs to you, healer of my soul.

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