Monday, June 7, 2010

Last night there was a terrible rainstorm.  My heart nearly dropped and I felt fear of the crashing thunder and electric light flashing through the air.  I ran to find you, when the lights in the room went out and I realized that I was all alone.  I wondered where you were.  I said... Oh my, I must find him.  I searched far and wide throughout this place and there was no trace of you.  I called your name and there was no reply.  I nearly cried, but I remember that you taught me to be strong, and I said, it will be okay.  So I stood strong and patiently, while the rain poured and came crashing down.  The heavy winds blew water into my windows and I ran to close them shut... else my bed would become drenched and I would be more sad.  Oh so sad I was last night, because when it rains so harshly, I wish that you would be there with me, so that I wouldn't have to face the madness alone.  Where were you?  Not far away... you came to my side soon enough... and I smiled, and the sun shone brightly in the morning.

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