Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Covenant

I wonder what He sees when He dreams of me at night. I wonder, because, if I knew, then, I would solve the riddle of life. I would understand what we mean to, and, for, and, in, and, of, and, with, one another. I wonder about the secrets of His mind, and wish that He would share with me. I wish that He would accept that it is okay to love me. If only He let go of the fear that held him back. Then, He would love me, Forever.

Now, come back to me. Come back to me, now. I’m waiting here still. I’m still waiting here. For you I will forever. Forever I will for you. You are the only love I need. The only love I need, you are. Everything that gives life, lives in you. In you there is everything that gives life to me. To me you give life everything that I should live for. Should I live for you to give me everything in life? You give me the life that I should live for, in everything. Back to me, now, come. To me, now, come back.

What a mighty man He is. Greater than the most fierce beast. Stronger than an iron clad army of soldiers. Deeper than a world of oceanic seas. Brighter than a nights sky of clustered stars. Sweeter than a melon filled with honey and morning dew. Mighty, what a man He is!

Aries, King of Mars, God of War, Lover of Mine; take my heart to your soul. That it many become me. That I may become whole. Fill me with your light, master of the stars. May our days be as long as our nights. I give you everything; here and now. My heart, your fortress. Your shelter, your might.

Poured out to you, that I may see through. That this day, I already knew. That this day, my dreams come true. That this day, never go away. Pillar of strength, great ruler of warriors. Statue of David. Mine truth, your dare. Save me from this world, as only you could. Take these here last words, as first carved in wood.

Falling in love with the sunset is like a miracle that happens to me, everyday. All day long, he works to give life to the world. Then, at night, he finds peace. Like an explosion of rainbows, He lights the sky, softly in the mellow romance. The seas become like a sparkling wine. As if sprinkled with diamonds from the heavens. And the whole world becomes silent; clamed by his soft breath, amazed by the beauty of his tranquility. By the very essence of the sunset, the whole world, not just me, falls in love with miracles.

Yesterday, He died. And I wept. Yes, I cried and cried. Today, Reincarnated, He came back, with new eyes. Tomorrow, He will be what he is with me, by his side.

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