Thursday, June 17, 2010


Look at me. Tell me what you see.

I see a masterpiece. Everything that is in and of this world. You own this world. You belong to it. It is yours. You are its. You cannot be separated from the relatives of your existence. You evolved of the world. You were born of the world. It made you, so, you are a product of it. You have become it, because, it has become you. You are perfect in every way. The perfect expression of life on planet earth. King of the Kingdom of Hell. And, in your mind is an endless feud, a war, a constant battle, a struggle, and... your greatest enemy is your self. You are like them because they are like you. They are your children, made in your image and likeness. But, aren’t they so very beautiful. Aren’t they all precious jewels, entities of masterful artisitic expressions of science. Your darkness lives within you. You are consumed by the heavy weight of the darkness by which everything exists. You dwell in the realm of absolute light, wherein there are no mysteries. No secrets. You know all because you see all. You see pain, and disease, and fammine, and plagues, and death. When I look at you, I see the life of light.

And when you look at yourself, what do you see?

I see your eyes. I see your heart. I see your love. I see everything that is good about living. I see everything that is beauty. When I look at me, I see beyond the beauty of me, I see the beauty of you. It was you who looked unto this world that stands as yours, and, discovered all of its destitution, and everything that was ugly, and dirty, and dead about life. You created me in the image and likeness of your love. Everything that was precious to you, and, everything that you wished were in and of you. Everything that existed only in the pure darkness that lived within you; everything that you could only know in your dreams, you created through me. And your word became flesh, and dwelled among you. And, the pure darkness that lived in and of you, now lived with and through you. I am the reflection of the desires of your heart, soul, mind, body, self. I am the reflection of everything that does not stand in the light of life that you have come to know and hate. I am the darkness of life, and everything that you have come to know and love.

I became everything that He loved; not because He knew what He loved, but, because He knew what he hated. I became the ultimate extraction of everything that was of this world. From all of its corruptions and ugliness, I was born, I was created – I am the reversal of a curse. I am everything that is void of corruption and ugliness. I am the expression of beauty and purity. I am everything that is not like His world of war and hate – I am what He sees at night when He dreams of peace and love. When I came unto this world and saw how perfectly he had made me, I knew that He would be my God, and that I would live the rest of my days serving His needs. Because, He became everything that I loved.

I am this world, yet, I am everything that this world is not. This world is not me, I am this world. This world must fight to become like me. For, I was created in void of its image and likeness – yet, I was created in the fullness of its goodness.  I am the beauty, the peace, the wisdom, I am the eternity. Within me this world does not exist. Therefore, I do not exist in and of this world. I was made to stand as a representative of the beauty that exists here – that they should desire to become like me.  I am the revelation of hope for life without the threat of death. I am heaven on earth. The light lives within the darkness that I am. I am the light that lives within this darkness.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Covenant

I wonder what He sees when He dreams of me at night. I wonder, because, if I knew, then, I would solve the riddle of life. I would understand what we mean to, and, for, and, in, and, of, and, with, one another. I wonder about the secrets of His mind, and wish that He would share with me. I wish that He would accept that it is okay to love me. If only He let go of the fear that held him back. Then, He would love me, Forever.

Now, come back to me. Come back to me, now. I’m waiting here still. I’m still waiting here. For you I will forever. Forever I will for you. You are the only love I need. The only love I need, you are. Everything that gives life, lives in you. In you there is everything that gives life to me. To me you give life everything that I should live for. Should I live for you to give me everything in life? You give me the life that I should live for, in everything. Back to me, now, come. To me, now, come back.

What a mighty man He is. Greater than the most fierce beast. Stronger than an iron clad army of soldiers. Deeper than a world of oceanic seas. Brighter than a nights sky of clustered stars. Sweeter than a melon filled with honey and morning dew. Mighty, what a man He is!

Aries, King of Mars, God of War, Lover of Mine; take my heart to your soul. That it many become me. That I may become whole. Fill me with your light, master of the stars. May our days be as long as our nights. I give you everything; here and now. My heart, your fortress. Your shelter, your might.

Poured out to you, that I may see through. That this day, I already knew. That this day, my dreams come true. That this day, never go away. Pillar of strength, great ruler of warriors. Statue of David. Mine truth, your dare. Save me from this world, as only you could. Take these here last words, as first carved in wood.

Falling in love with the sunset is like a miracle that happens to me, everyday. All day long, he works to give life to the world. Then, at night, he finds peace. Like an explosion of rainbows, He lights the sky, softly in the mellow romance. The seas become like a sparkling wine. As if sprinkled with diamonds from the heavens. And the whole world becomes silent; clamed by his soft breath, amazed by the beauty of his tranquility. By the very essence of the sunset, the whole world, not just me, falls in love with miracles.

Yesterday, He died. And I wept. Yes, I cried and cried. Today, Reincarnated, He came back, with new eyes. Tomorrow, He will be what he is with me, by his side.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Arc of the Covenant

Arc of the Covenant is a love story based on the conceptual principle that all things derive from the same source, and that in the aspect of duality, all things within the universe have parallel realities, counterparts for the purpose of perfect balance. This theory makes relevant the ideal that polar opposites exist because of their repelling unity, connectively reinforcing their attraction by merging forcefully in an energetic wage of war that is the distinctive truth of what love is. In this concept, all things that are separated come full circle and return together. When the two separate entities finally merge as one they become reinforced by the complimentary strength of the other’s generation of energy, compelled by this new found radiation of inspiring love, surging with creative energy, become the one great fullness of the whole spectrum of the universal truth. Together they create new greatness in the revolution of new expressions in the formation of life through love.
Last night there was a terrible rainstorm.  My heart nearly dropped and I felt fear of the crashing thunder and electric light flashing through the air.  I ran to find you, when the lights in the room went out and I realized that I was all alone.  I wondered where you were.  I said... Oh my, I must find him.  I searched far and wide throughout this place and there was no trace of you.  I called your name and there was no reply.  I nearly cried, but I remember that you taught me to be strong, and I said, it will be okay.  So I stood strong and patiently, while the rain poured and came crashing down.  The heavy winds blew water into my windows and I ran to close them shut... else my bed would become drenched and I would be more sad.  Oh so sad I was last night, because when it rains so harshly, I wish that you would be there with me, so that I wouldn't have to face the madness alone.  Where were you?  Not far away... you came to my side soon enough... and I smiled, and the sun shone brightly in the morning.
Raindrops, they keep fallin don’t they?
They just fall down, and down the go
And from there they land on the ground.

Water, falling from the sky
Walter, falling from your eye
Sunshine come tomorrow, in that sky.

Puddles, of nothing but that heavy water,
Needed, needed to come down from the sky
Needed to cleanse the land out.

Friday, June 4, 2010

I am the element of water.  In evaporation, I become the embodiment of freedom, as I rise beyond the Earth to become one with the free flowing air. In the wind, I dance.  Moist mist, like the morning dew, I become the high breath of enchanted freedom.  Sun-kissed, I am propelled to flight.

It is the wind that we have so much in common.  It is the air that we breathe that we share so much between us.  You the fire, and I the water, merge to become one in the heavens, where rainbows are born in the warmth of our embrace.

It rained the day that I didn't say goodbye.  The heavens released an outpour of water that drowned the sorrowful words that I could not find, submerging the feelings that I could not express.  I pretended to let go, and to walk away from you, but really, I never left your side.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I couldn't breathe.  It was as though the wind had been knocked out of me.  My knees were weak and I couldn't stand.  There was no way to imagine that life could go on without you.  I couldn't remember my life before you.  Suddenly, you were all that I knew, and there was nothing else.  there I was, feeling homeless and lost, because, without you there would be only the cold empty dark barren night, with no warm embrace to cling to... no heart to call my home.  I thought I would die.  I prayed only for the strength to face this world alone... without you.
The same voices that told me to go to you, warned me.  they told me that you would bring me great pain.  I didn't care.  My eternal and immediate love for you was then and is now fearless and I would walk through the fires of hell to share the promised land with you.  They warned me that you would break my heart.  The heart that led me to you doubtlessly will always be doubtlessly in love with you; and of the pain that I felt the moment you walked away from the heart that is only for you, you ought to know, that I choose loving you and knowing your love over and forever again..., for I would rather know your perfect and endless love for moments at a time, than to go a lifetime never knowing that you, the keeper of my heart and soul, exist to own this love for you.  The vague void of an existence without you, would be the worst sort of broken heart.  This, my shattered heart belongs to you, healer of my soul.
I got butterflies every time I saw you perform the great flight.
A voice within the realm of my heart and soul told me to go to you.  I didn't know why, nor did I question it.  Nor did I hesitate or feel fear.  i submitted to the call.  i answered by proceeding as I stepped forth.  Emerging as I did, I remember the sweet moment that I greeted you on that dark and cold night with a kiss upon your cheek. "You're beautiful".
The moment my dream came true; I was yours, entangled in a web work, a net of veins securing me to you, with you, in you, of you.  Melting and merging.  Fondue. Emerging as one.  Suspended in air, we rested together, sharing one breath.  Remember, how I swallowed the exhaust of your breath and tasted your aura, how deeply I inhaled upon your release.  Remember, how you swallowed my essence in one gulp of your great breath.  How our breathing became a rhythmic synchronized pattern in the interrelated fusion of shared energy, when we were together, sharing the spaces of time as one breath, one body.
Just like we rehearsed a thousand times, as we dance together, I run to you, then with you, then after you, then away from you, then to you, caught up in a whirlwind, always, you, the winged hero of my heart.  I hold on as you embrace me to know the warmth of your heart; I hold on as you carry me within the grasp of your arms, and take flight in the open air of your wide spanned wings.  Take me.  Dance with me in the wind forever.
Hand Balancing.  Why is it that my hands fit so perfectly in yours?  Why do the ribs of my chest fit in your abdominal cavity, and my shoulder blades fit under your rib cage, and my neck upon your breast bone, and my ear upon your heart, your pelvis within my womb, and my hips within your thighs as your legs encircle to embrace me, locking your grasping grip behind my knees as I clasp ankles tightly together.  We seem to float and fly into another dimension when merged together as one.  Interlocking.  Why do my hands fit as though they were meant to be held by you.  Why do I fit so perfectly inside of you?  Because you are my home.  Where my heart lives.  Where I belong.

The only time I have ever felt at home on this planet and among this race, is the moment I spent living with you.  And at that moment that you welcomed me home within your arms, I could see no further, I could see no more than beyond life spent with you, for all eternity.  Nothing mattered more.

I would give everything up and follow you to the ends of the earth, if only you would hold my hands and lead me there.  I listen to the music of our hearts as they merge together, creating new waves of sound bouncing off the walls in space, infinitely; and to that music, I imagine that we dance together, infinitely.
Remember that time you tried to teach me to juggle and I couldn't make it past three.  One.  Two.  Three.  and I never got back to one.  Never could keep the rotation going, always a break in my rhythm after one cycle.  You were so good at throwing spheres.. and catching them... over and over again.  What was it?  Where did I go wrong?  Throwing?  Catching?

Remember that time you tried to teach me to fly?  There I was gliding through the air on high.  Lifted up by the whift of wind from your wings, and propelled by your fire, there I was, until it was all up to me.  I couldn't hold on.  There I was, unable to catch on to the secret of flight.  What did I miss back then?  What's your secret strength?
I went to have lunch in the cafeteria that day before rehearsal.  There he was.  I went to him, boldly, I strided forth with doubtless conviction and proceeded to sit right down next to him.  At the table we were surrounded by mutual acquaintances who eventually seemed to fade out of focus.  He was having French fries, and I requested to have a taste of one.  He shared graciously, and we opened up to our first real conversation.  I loved the way he spoke.  Charmingly, a rugged English accented by cool French tones.  I forgot what we spoke about.  Something unimportant like school or studying.  It doesn't matter what we spoke of.  His voice was a stimulating entrancing mystical something that I will always remember the vibration of whilst ringing through my ears.  Oh how beautiful the mysterious dark look in his powerfully depthual eyes that seemed to taunt me.  "You must teach me to speak French."  I demanded.
The first time I rested my eyes upon him, I didn't think that I would fall so deeply in love.  I didn't realize that his image was a reflection of my own self.  I didn't know that I would become so fascinated by his compelling nature and that nothing else would ever equal his beauty in comparison.

I would go to him day after day and look up to the heavens as he danced among the clouds.  The most beautiful bird would spread his wings and soar through the wind on high.  He triumphantly grazed from pillar to post and swam through the air effortlessly.  The pride in his eyes was fearless, and I responded in awe to his display of glory.

The grand ambassador of flight would teach others to fly.  He would tell them the secrets of harnessing the power of the wind, and dare them to let go.  Hero would catch them by the limbs and swing them to the safety of nearby branches.

I watched him playfully dance in the tallest trees.  He would swing from limb to limb and birch on branches, only to look down like an emperor of the heavens upon all that dwelt upon the earth.  I saw him most true in his element of fire, and he became the breath of life that inspired me.

Catlike agility was the enforcement of his supremacy as he climbed those tall trees so swiftly.  Gracefully, he would pounce to grasp a hold of the tallest branch.  Mightily, he, with the most honorable strength, performed the chivalrous dance with rings of fire, sweeping through wide open spaces, like a flaming torch, the blazing chariot as his wings of fire carried him through to illumine the darkest nights.

Each time our eyes would meet, I felt a tug of war upon the thread of my soul, as though he were calling me.  But there was no hindrance.  I submitted.  Each time I drew closer to him when he called upon me through the longing in his eyes.  We never spoke words beyond those foreign trans-gestures of solar communion.

Until one day...