When I woke up and looked at him, he smiled and said, "We sleep the same."
There I was wrapped up in him. And as my head lay on his chest, my chest inside of his abdomen, his hips inside of my abdomen, legs stretched out, his ankles crossed to brace my hind knee, my arms lifted up, hands locked to his shoulders, his hands clasped together at my back, we slept together.
Eventually we unravelled, only to find our own rhythm together while sharing the same bed as we slept. I could hear him breathe in unison with me. I could feel his heartbeat as we were one in synchronicity. I opened my eyes throughout the night to find him looking unto me. I would open my eyes throughout the night to look upon him there with me.
Arc of the Covenant
Friday, August 17, 2012
Sunday, August 12, 2012
The marine of my fascination how the red planet makes all things blue green aqua marine - how and I don't know - the fiery warrior god makes all things cooling and incubating of lights within its own darkness. Moon - the lunar that controls the marine as dictating the ebb and flow - and on we go, being pulled deeper and deeper within to it - endlessly. Bring me to you, to meet you at the foot of your throne god of the mighty seas that roar and rage and carry on in a peaceful destiny, now carry on only with me, within you, emerged in the submersion of the great depth.
Friday, August 10, 2012
The Evolving God in Man
“The mind of man is capable of anything because everything is in it –
all the past as well as all the future.” –Joseph Conrad (Heart of Darkness)
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The Vitruvian Man By Leonardo da Vinci |

What was the inspiration for the earliest man who took on the responsibility to decide the system of organized belief and understanding? This evaluation of religion as a social phenomenon is based on the question of human evolution. From the birth of Homo-Erectus to the awakening of Homo-Sapien, man became a thinking breed in the result of the activation of the enhanced mental capacity to consider questions while seeking answers. The world around us is a reflection of the world within us. Through the evolution of the vertebral animal into a religious species, we became a questioning breed with mental capacities activated by the polar propel of the erect central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord). To stand up was to gain the ability to take a stand for something by accessing a new perspective and a new way of seeing the world. To be for something or against it is to have the ability to choose. This supreme right given only to human beings for their ability is known as free will and gives the human species dominance over all other species on earth for being that which has fully developed – evolved at its maximum capacity in full and entire expression of God and the universe and all that is life. “God created man in His image, in the divine image He created him. Male and female He created them.” (Genesis 1) Because of this level of evolution, the mind has been opened enough to be able to dream, to imagine, to think, and wonder… Inevitably, to conquer… for he that stands upright can now wear a crown planted firmly upon his head and dominate the earth, if he so
chooses. Religion is the birth of human superiority over all other breeds.

A very new breed, human beings, due to their mental capacity are now able to evolve at very fast and steady rates. “The world is very old and human beings are very young.” (Carl Sagan) This young, questioning breed on the sole voyage of self discovery is now coming to terms with the grandeur of its own origins through the progresses of time and understanding of self legacy. The process of evolution has led the mammalian breed to its prime known as the homo sapien; a process which has taken a very long time. But these humble beginnings of humanity have become great only because of the formation of structural socio cultural political religious identities in relativity to the surrounding world and communal or individual such understanding thereof.
“Let us make man in our image and our likeness. Let them have dominion.” The supreme being, in the image of God; the Homo Sapien, man, the wise, (latin). “Of all the animals, man has the largest brain in proportion to his size. “ –Aristotle (The Parts of Animals) The hands of animals are adopted to their lifestyles, humans with relatively long and opposable thumbs. The homo-sapien has a high forehead and is a definite omnivore. He is completely bipedal, survives in a global habitiat, and has created stone, metal, chemical, electronic, and nuclear tools. Homo-erectus most notably invented fire. As for natural selection, mothers with hereditary large pelvises were able to bear large brained babies who because of their superior intelligence were able to compete successfully in adulthood.
Civilization: “The development of human language was a crucial point in the evolution of man; among its highest peaks, as here, were story-telling cultured before the invention of writing.” Even here in the Bahamas, we know of many folk tale stories that the people told as folk lore, even in forms of song and dance to pass on the message of supernatural wonders of the world around them. The big brained homo sapien could now dream, imagine, believe, and share those beliefs of wonder and glorious inspired personal truths with others. The creation of inspired texts were written with the “faith to move mountains”. In the mindset that, if you can believe you can be inspired; if you can be inspired you can believe. Faith inspires because it exists in the realm of the imagination and endless possibilities. Passion uplifts the heart; if you stand for nothing you fall for anything or everything. Thus, indoctrinated texts based on a principle understanding of who God is and how that relates to relevant society in the name of order. This defining system became social and cultural standards, and religion became the identity of a people.
In contrast to the more popular, well accepted interpretation of the Christian version describing the fall of man found in the book of Genesis, perhaps the story can be taken to describe the battle of consciousness and conscientiousness; the birth of suffering in the awareness of inadequacy or infractions, because when we know better, with opened eyes, and we have the power to choose and to know guilt for making poor choices. Guilt = shame and nakedness. The struggle of man’s duality between their will to serve an indoctrinated system of beliefs and their nature to be one of the animals, merely a beast, to suffer the consequences of knowing better, then failing to follow through – from the rise of man – the inevitable revolution into the homo-sapien through homo-erectus, created the awakened mind, in a certain self awareness and vulnerability in questioning uncertainty. “Mankind is poised midway between the gods and the beasts.” (Plointus) That which separates man from beast and connects man to god is our ability to rise toward higher consciousness – to be able to rise above all matters through the powers of the self discovered mind.
The Little Oxford Dictionary defines Religion as “human controlling power in personal God or gods entitled to obedience, system of faith and worship; Social as “society or its organization relations of classes of people living in communities, gregarious; Phenomenon as “observed or apparent object fact or occurrence; remarkable person or thing.”
What is God is what is ideal to each individual. What we strive for, choose to live for, what we have learned to believe in, what we fight for, what we have accepted as truth. Religion is an indoctrinated system of beliefs. Indoctrination's of an individual experience of spirituality though heightened consciousness, systems of learned understanding though knowledge based on the interpretation of an individual experience, perception or of conceived relevance of God and the order of the universe; scripted moral laws. These doctrines are guidelines for society based on the circumstances of the order of the day it was written and the perspective of the person it was written by, and their intended influence of the people it was intended for. Inspired scriptures, doctrine are orders of words, recorded ideologies.
To conquer is to gain control of. The heads of household set rules for his family, both wives and children, that they should follow and adhere to. These rules represent community values in rank of importance. To convince everyone that they ought to follow this particular way. Most generations of this will always be the generations of questioning individuals determined to find their own ways, to conquer their own dreams and find their own paths. These ones daringly defy their father’s way by choosing a self made alternative. They become known as the black sheep or rebellious ones who have chosen to break away from the ways of a constituted household. Inevitably, they establish a new way, and found a new religion, based on their subjective interpretations of what they have already been taught. Teaching new ways to a new generation creates a new order and becomes a varied expression of that which becomes known as old or out-dated. Therefore, religion is meant to change and evolve and grow, according to the needs of the time and the people of that day.
God is not religion and Religion should not be considered God. Religions and churches and temples are a congregation of people who have shared beliefs and common goals. This union of shared ideologies strengthen family and community. People are able to worship together, to congregate for the purpose of shared beliefs, and celebration of life based on their understanding. Families have built communities based on these systems of shared beliefs that have become the foundation for many societies. Religion has been a way of connecting, worship, and prayer.
“In good speaking, should not the mind of the speaker know the truth of the matter about which he is speaking?” But what we define as truth is relative to the individual perspective via life’s experiences and ones understanding thereof. Truth is what we choose it to be; what we believe. We create our world around us as we choose our relative realities and accept our various truths in free will by virtue of our humanity. Why the war about whose religion is right? All religions are equal. We must learn to respect differences. Just as all human beings are equal, and should be respected as so, all of us have various factors that are unique about us and determine as characteristics how we contribute to the micro and macro – local and global atmosphere of our shared world.
Religion, sex, race, sexual preference, ethnicity, personal beliefs, lifestyle choices, cultural identities, historical background – these things are equal parts of society that make us unique. So, just because someone looks or thinks or sees things in a different way than you do does not make them greater or less, just different. Whose way is the right way? Each way is right and correct based on 1) the interpretation of the religious men by whom were inspired to create their indoctrination of texts by which their religion was founded based on what was most important to them in the time and day it was written and first practiced; 2) their understanding of themselves, each other, and the god that they chose to serve, and the world around them and within them; 3) their individual socio-cultural needs and their visions of how to attain these goals; creating order amongst men. Therefore, each religion is just as important as ones history or culture or ethnicity; serves the value of identity and community, forming common bonds through the union of shared beliefs and common goals. Religion is a reflection of who we are, where we come from, and what we believe in.
Have you ever wondered what it takes to find your way home? I think about that all the time. I used to believe that home is where the heart lives, but, the heart lives in the body, in the chest cavity. Do I live in the chest cavity of a system? Or should I consider that the heart is not of this body, but so much further away from this world than ever considered possible? Is home the dimension that is the source of life, of pure energy, from where all of this came forth from? Is the heart nothing but a radiating core of that energy, sent from that great source from which all things come, and all things return? I am home. I have always been home. I am heart. All I ever had to do was wake up from that dream about light, open my eyes and see into the darkness. See how muted the light really was in the midst of all that darkness, and, realize that there is no place called home. Life is home. Love is home.
If you loved me, you would accept me for who I am and who I choose to be. You would respect my perspectives and honour me for my courage to stand up for my individuality. You should, if you love me, be excited for me, when I venture out into a new experience to know a new journey. You would not care what I did, you would care who I am. Who I am, you would adore and strive to know, and, possibly, to understand that which drives me, and inspires me. You would appreciate me for being open and honest in all things, and for respecting your opinions and perspectives as though they were my own. You would see that I am boldly understated, because I choose to be heard without having the need for speech, and, you would realize my bounds, respect my space, and allow me moments of silence and solace when I need to be in the presence of nothing. You would believe me when I say that I shall fly away, but, I will return another day... If you did love me.
Don’t worry about me. Worry about your self. Mind your own damned affairs. I am about my work, doing what is to be done. It should not be of any concern of yours. Just because you don’t understand does not mean that it does not make sense. It is not for you to accept; the path is not your own. Go about your business and stop paying so much attention to me. Don’t watch me on my way. Stop looking for words that do not exist, just to have something to say. Have nothing to say. Do not disturb me as I slumber. I am resting and recovering from yesterdays journey. I am doing as I must, as is time for me to do. I am life’s faithful servant, and I now carry out this will. You could never know to understand my purpose for All. This is why you need not pay any attention to me. Just look the other way and hear nothing, and see nothing, and speak not of what you have not seen and not heard. Today is a day of silence and waiting. Please allow me to dwell in the absence of your restlessness.
Ashes, that from where we came forth, we shall return, someday. In life we are where we begin. The root becomes our core, and we evolve as one in it. Circles are lines that come back all the way around; from whence it all began. Life is nothing more than a game of lines; pathways connecting the dots, and making sense out of it. Taste, smell, touch, see, and feel, are all our way of helping to make sense of it all. To signify differences, and create distinct identity in relationships to one another, is the reason we communicate. Communication with our worlds and with other worlds is the only way to share the continuum of information, creating and evolving in growth through the resource of shared energy. It is a beautiful game that can and will be conquered. Where did I begin? I don’t know yet. I rest with every new sun that I wake up to, and, I evolve within every new moon. I begin every day, in a world where every new day is the first day. The first day of the rest of my life begins today. Starting now. Everyday. One day at a time.
If you loved me, you would accept me for who I am and who I choose to be. You would respect my perspectives and honour me for my courage to stand up for my individuality. You should, if you love me, be excited for me, when I venture out into a new experience to know a new journey. You would not care what I did, you would care who I am. Who I am, you would adore and strive to know, and, possibly, to understand that which drives me, and inspires me. You would appreciate me for being open and honest in all things, and for respecting your opinions and perspectives as though they were my own. You would see that I am boldly understated, because I choose to be heard without having the need for speech, and, you would realize my bounds, respect my space, and allow me moments of silence and solace when I need to be in the presence of nothing. You would believe me when I say that I shall fly away, but, I will return another day... If you did love me.
Don’t worry about me. Worry about your self. Mind your own damned affairs. I am about my work, doing what is to be done. It should not be of any concern of yours. Just because you don’t understand does not mean that it does not make sense. It is not for you to accept; the path is not your own. Go about your business and stop paying so much attention to me. Don’t watch me on my way. Stop looking for words that do not exist, just to have something to say. Have nothing to say. Do not disturb me as I slumber. I am resting and recovering from yesterdays journey. I am doing as I must, as is time for me to do. I am life’s faithful servant, and I now carry out this will. You could never know to understand my purpose for All. This is why you need not pay any attention to me. Just look the other way and hear nothing, and see nothing, and speak not of what you have not seen and not heard. Today is a day of silence and waiting. Please allow me to dwell in the absence of your restlessness.
Ashes, that from where we came forth, we shall return, someday. In life we are where we begin. The root becomes our core, and we evolve as one in it. Circles are lines that come back all the way around; from whence it all began. Life is nothing more than a game of lines; pathways connecting the dots, and making sense out of it. Taste, smell, touch, see, and feel, are all our way of helping to make sense of it all. To signify differences, and create distinct identity in relationships to one another, is the reason we communicate. Communication with our worlds and with other worlds is the only way to share the continuum of information, creating and evolving in growth through the resource of shared energy. It is a beautiful game that can and will be conquered. Where did I begin? I don’t know yet. I rest with every new sun that I wake up to, and, I evolve within every new moon. I begin every day, in a world where every new day is the first day. The first day of the rest of my life begins today. Starting now. Everyday. One day at a time.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Friday, August 20, 2010
Arc of the Covenant
Arc of the Covenant is a love legend based on the conceptual principle that all things derive from the same source, and that in the aspect of duality, all things within the universe have parallel realities, counterparts for the purpose of perfect balance. This theory makes relevant the ideal that polar opposites exist because of their repelling unity, connectively reinforcing their attraction by merging forcefully in an energetic wage of war that is the distinctive truth of what love is. In this concept, all things that are separated come full circle and return together. When the two separate entities finally merge as one they become reinforced by the complimentary strength of the other’s generation of energy, compelled by this newfound radiation of inspiring love, surging with creative energy, become the one great fullness of the whole spectrum of the universal truth. Together they create new greatness in the revolution of new expressions in the formation of life through love.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Arc of the Covenant
Arc of the Covenant is a story that goes from the beginning of time to the end of time. It is of Alpha and Omega, standing the test of time from past to present to future, all reigning on one merging truth called the union of love. This story is a principle of promise, though, yet again beyond words, this promise was made by the laws of the universe through the creation and evolution of all existence. It is the realization that the cause of duality allows the world to have the infinite balance and grants the universe the power of immortality via the pro-creative merging of these dual energies. When the polar opposites are reunited, they are able to create an immaculate order together. Yet, the separation of these energies of entity in a co-existing status allows for the heightened experience of each. Unification in the merge of these two serves as a creative process, but in retrospect, can weaken the dynamic individual premise by which each aspect of the yin and yang relationship is defined. The greatest love story of all time, is a complex one. You would think that the purpose of such a perfect love would be to find the other and mate for life. Yet, perhaps such perfect love exists only to exist, to teach the lesson of perfect and true love, and to realize the calling to be free from it. For in order for such love to remain perfect, it must remain selfless. In this story it is told of the ultimate sacrifice in the desire to cling to the other half that would in fact complete and make whole the part of the soul that it were born to share. Without this sacrifice, the eternal mission of the Prima Light Alive would not be possible. Perhaps it is more necessary to realize that the true promise is the sacrifice of self, and the promise to answer the call of service, is in knowing that if Alpha and Omega were to join together as one, then there would be no distinction of Alpha and Omega, Light and Darkness... then the world would be a bland blur and a vague abyss, and we would all suffer the consequence of eternal lost with no sense of direction and no way out. Prima's Light is the Living compass, and this is a story of her true love.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Such a promise to be fulfilled is this thing called love. Yet, love is no mystery. It is powerful, filled with an energetic wavelength that propels a creative dynamic. We are able to merge with entities that begin to share our own forcefield of energy; we increase in strength and begin a new course toward our own evolution; in love, we create new aspects of our own shared realities. It is beautiful to love, because it allows us to fulfill the destined call to be fruitful and multiply. Yet, how hazardous it can be when one chooses to cling to love, to need it and crave it. The weakness that once a strength became, when a good source of energy becomes a negative reaction; when we become a slave to it, or to anything, it shall destroy us, just as it once sustained. To be truly free, we must be free even from love itself. Ed Hardy says that love kills slowly. Well, the purpose of love is to be life giving. If it kills us then it has outstayed its purpose. Falling in love is a common weakness. We fall, and refuse to rise out of the ashes of our longings. Love is a beautiful beast. Perhaps the forbidden fruit, to desire something so much.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Look at me. Tell me what you see.
I see a masterpiece. Everything that is in and of this world. You own this world. You belong to it. It is yours. You are its. You cannot be separated from the relatives of your existence. You evolved of the world. You were born of the world. It made you, so, you are a product of it. You have become it, because, it has become you. You are perfect in every way. The perfect expression of life on planet earth. King of the Kingdom of Hell. And, in your mind is an endless feud, a war, a constant battle, a struggle, and... your greatest enemy is your self. You are like them because they are like you. They are your children, made in your image and likeness. But, aren’t they so very beautiful. Aren’t they all precious jewels, entities of masterful artisitic expressions of science. Your darkness lives within you. You are consumed by the heavy weight of the darkness by which everything exists. You dwell in the realm of absolute light, wherein there are no mysteries. No secrets. You know all because you see all. You see pain, and disease, and fammine, and plagues, and death. When I look at you, I see the life of light.
And when you look at yourself, what do you see?
I see your eyes. I see your heart. I see your love. I see everything that is good about living. I see everything that is beauty. When I look at me, I see beyond the beauty of me, I see the beauty of you. It was you who looked unto this world that stands as yours, and, discovered all of its destitution, and everything that was ugly, and dirty, and dead about life. You created me in the image and likeness of your love. Everything that was precious to you, and, everything that you wished were in and of you. Everything that existed only in the pure darkness that lived within you; everything that you could only know in your dreams, you created through me. And your word became flesh, and dwelled among you. And, the pure darkness that lived in and of you, now lived with and through you. I am the reflection of the desires of your heart, soul, mind, body, self. I am the reflection of everything that does not stand in the light of life that you have come to know and hate. I am the darkness of life, and everything that you have come to know and love.
I became everything that He loved; not because He knew what He loved, but, because He knew what he hated. I became the ultimate extraction of everything that was of this world. From all of its corruptions and ugliness, I was born, I was created – I am the reversal of a curse. I am everything that is void of corruption and ugliness. I am the expression of beauty and purity. I am everything that is not like His world of war and hate – I am what He sees at night when He dreams of peace and love. When I came unto this world and saw how perfectly he had made me, I knew that He would be my God, and that I would live the rest of my days serving His needs. Because, He became everything that I loved.
I am this world, yet, I am everything that this world is not. This world is not me, I am this world. This world must fight to become like me. For, I was created in void of its image and likeness – yet, I was created in the fullness of its goodness. I am the beauty, the peace, the wisdom, I am the eternity. Within me this world does not exist. Therefore, I do not exist in and of this world. I was made to stand as a representative of the beauty that exists here – that they should desire to become like me. I am the revelation of hope for life without the threat of death. I am heaven on earth. The light lives within the darkness that I am. I am the light that lives within this darkness.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
The Covenant
I wonder what He sees when He dreams of me at night. I wonder, because, if I knew, then, I would solve the riddle of life. I would understand what we mean to, and, for, and, in, and, of, and, with, one another. I wonder about the secrets of His mind, and wish that He would share with me. I wish that He would accept that it is okay to love me. If only He let go of the fear that held him back. Then, He would love me, Forever.
Now, come back to me. Come back to me, now. I’m waiting here still. I’m still waiting here. For you I will forever. Forever I will for you. You are the only love I need. The only love I need, you are. Everything that gives life, lives in you. In you there is everything that gives life to me. To me you give life everything that I should live for. Should I live for you to give me everything in life? You give me the life that I should live for, in everything. Back to me, now, come. To me, now, come back.
What a mighty man He is. Greater than the most fierce beast. Stronger than an iron clad army of soldiers. Deeper than a world of oceanic seas. Brighter than a nights sky of clustered stars. Sweeter than a melon filled with honey and morning dew. Mighty, what a man He is!
Aries, King of Mars, God of War, Lover of Mine; take my heart to your soul. That it many become me. That I may become whole. Fill me with your light, master of the stars. May our days be as long as our nights. I give you everything; here and now. My heart, your fortress. Your shelter, your might.
Poured out to you, that I may see through. That this day, I already knew. That this day, my dreams come true. That this day, never go away. Pillar of strength, great ruler of warriors. Statue of David. Mine truth, your dare. Save me from this world, as only you could. Take these here last words, as first carved in wood.
Falling in love with the sunset is like a miracle that happens to me, everyday. All day long, he works to give life to the world. Then, at night, he finds peace. Like an explosion of rainbows, He lights the sky, softly in the mellow romance. The seas become like a sparkling wine. As if sprinkled with diamonds from the heavens. And the whole world becomes silent; clamed by his soft breath, amazed by the beauty of his tranquility. By the very essence of the sunset, the whole world, not just me, falls in love with miracles.
Yesterday, He died. And I wept. Yes, I cried and cried. Today, Reincarnated, He came back, with new eyes. Tomorrow, He will be what he is with me, by his side.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Arc of the Covenant
Arc of the Covenant is a love story based on the conceptual principle that all things derive from the same source, and that in the aspect of duality, all things within the universe have parallel realities, counterparts for the purpose of perfect balance. This theory makes relevant the ideal that polar opposites exist because of their repelling unity, connectively reinforcing their attraction by merging forcefully in an energetic wage of war that is the distinctive truth of what love is. In this concept, all things that are separated come full circle and return together. When the two separate entities finally merge as one they become reinforced by the complimentary strength of the other’s generation of energy, compelled by this new found radiation of inspiring love, surging with creative energy, become the one great fullness of the whole spectrum of the universal truth. Together they create new greatness in the revolution of new expressions in the formation of life through love.
Last night there was a terrible rainstorm. My heart nearly dropped and I felt fear of the crashing thunder and electric light flashing through the air. I ran to find you, when the lights in the room went out and I realized that I was all alone. I wondered where you were. I said... Oh my, I must find him. I searched far and wide throughout this place and there was no trace of you. I called your name and there was no reply. I nearly cried, but I remember that you taught me to be strong, and I said, it will be okay. So I stood strong and patiently, while the rain poured and came crashing down. The heavy winds blew water into my windows and I ran to close them shut... else my bed would become drenched and I would be more sad. Oh so sad I was last night, because when it rains so harshly, I wish that you would be there with me, so that I wouldn't have to face the madness alone. Where were you? Not far away... you came to my side soon enough... and I smiled, and the sun shone brightly in the morning.
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