Friday, August 20, 2010

Arc of the Covenant

Arc of the Covenant is a love legend based on the conceptual principle that all things derive from the same source, and that in the aspect of duality, all things within the universe have parallel realities, counterparts for the purpose of perfect balance. This theory makes relevant the ideal that polar opposites exist because of their repelling unity, connectively reinforcing their attraction by merging forcefully in an energetic wage of war that is the distinctive truth of what love is. In this concept, all things that are separated come full circle and return together. When the two separate entities finally merge as one they become reinforced by the complimentary strength of the other’s generation of energy, compelled by this newfound radiation of inspiring love, surging with creative energy, become the one great fullness of the whole spectrum of the universal truth. Together they create new greatness in the revolution of new expressions in the formation of life through love.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Arc of the Covenant

Arc of the Covenant is a story that goes from the beginning of time to the end of time. It is of Alpha and Omega, standing the test of time from past to present to future, all reigning on one merging truth called the union of love. This story is a principle of promise, though, yet again beyond words, this promise was made by the laws of the universe through the creation and evolution of all existence. It is the realization that the cause of duality allows the world to have the infinite balance and grants the universe the power of immortality via the pro-creative merging of these dual energies. When the polar opposites are reunited, they are able to create an immaculate order together. Yet, the separation of these energies of entity in a co-existing status allows for the heightened experience of each. Unification in the merge of these two serves as a creative process, but in retrospect, can weaken the dynamic individual premise by which each aspect of the yin and yang relationship is defined. The greatest love story of all time, is a complex one. You would think that the purpose of such a perfect love would be to find the other and mate for life. Yet, perhaps such perfect love exists only to exist, to teach the lesson of perfect and true love, and to realize the calling to be free from it. For in order for such love to remain perfect, it must remain selfless. In this story it is told of the ultimate sacrifice in the desire to cling to the other half that would in fact complete and make whole the part of the soul that it were born to share. Without this sacrifice, the eternal mission of the Prima Light Alive would not be possible. Perhaps it is more necessary to realize that the true promise is the sacrifice of self, and the promise to answer the call of service, is in knowing that if Alpha and Omega were to join together as one, then there would be no distinction of Alpha and Omega, Light and Darkness... then the world would be a bland blur and a vague abyss, and we would all suffer the consequence of eternal lost with no sense of direction and no way out. Prima's Light is the Living compass, and this is a story of her true love.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

From His ribs She came unto the world. They were the very ribs that sheltered His heart and loved everything within it.  And everything that was within it, which was everything that He loved, He gave to Her, and It, She became.  And He loved Her.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Such a promise to be fulfilled is this thing called love.  Yet, love is no mystery.  It is powerful, filled with an energetic wavelength that propels a creative dynamic.  We are able to merge with entities that begin to share our own forcefield of energy; we increase in strength and begin a new course toward our own evolution; in love, we create new aspects of our own shared realities.  It is beautiful to love, because it allows us to fulfill the destined call to be fruitful and multiply.  Yet, how hazardous it can be when one chooses to cling to love, to need it and crave it.  The weakness that once a strength became, when a good source of energy becomes a negative reaction; when we become a slave to it, or to anything, it shall destroy us, just as it once sustained.  To be truly free, we must be free even from love itself.  Ed Hardy says that love kills slowly.  Well, the purpose of love is to be life giving.  If it kills us then it has outstayed its purpose.  Falling in love is a common weakness.  We fall, and refuse to rise out of the ashes of our longings.  Love is a beautiful beast.  Perhaps the forbidden fruit, to desire something so much.